SCP Launched at Budaka Magistrates Court
Hon. Justice Asiimwe and HW Lillian Bucyana during the launch of SCP
BUDAKA: Eager court users andthe public gathered at Budaka Magistrate's Court to witness the formal launch of Small Claims Procedure (SCP).
Mbale Resident Judge, Hon.Justice Tadeo Asiimwe, presided over the launch.
"Small Claims Procedure is affordable. You don't need to spend on lawyers and one receives judgement instantly or within 14 days after the court hearing," said Hon. Justice Asiimwe.
He asked the people of Budaka to sign agreements whenever they make commercial transactions.
"Witnesses cannot be enough and neither can they be reliable. Documents are great proof of evidence."
The court users commended the Judicial Officers, Pallisa CM HW Zulaika Nateza and Budaka GI, HW Kenneth Komakech, for serving them diligently.
In attendance was Ag.Assistant Registrar in charge of SCP, HW Lillian Bucyana; representatives of different Justice, Law and Order Sector representatives. These included the District Police Commander, Mr. Salaam Wilson, the District Speaker, Mr. Mubalya Samuel.
Posted 21st, December 2018